


2024, Armenia, 12 min.


Director: Vahan Grigoryan



A failed actor now entertaining kids and seeks his fate through endless castings and auditions. Continuous setbacks pushed him into motivational media. All of a sudden, he accomplished a "feat".




2023, Armenia/Serbia, 15 min.


Director: Ovsanna Gevorgyan



25-year-old Satenik spends her days looking through videos of Armenian war captives, trying to find her brother, who went missing during the 2020 Karabakh war. She is also helping other missing soldiers’ families, who are in similar situations. All of these videos have pretty much the same plot; the captives are being beaten and then publicly beheaded. The story starts from the day when Satenik recognizes a friend’s son amongst the captive soldiers. The next thing we see is Satenik attending that soldier’s funeral, which traumatizes her to the core. The boy was beheaded. The shock of the funeral goes over to her subconscious. She dreams a nightmare about her brother, from which Satenik wakes up in a bus full of people. Two of the passengers start a fight over opening the window, but it slowly transforms into a political argument about the current situation in Armenia. Satenik tries to stay out of it, but one passenger’s cruel remark pushes her over the edge.



2023, Armenia/Portugal/Belgium/Hungary, 14 min.


Director: Anna Mkrtumyan



The film follows the author, who in search of answers turns to science as a last hope. Embarking on a journey with Professor Cristina, the exploration centers around unraveling the mysteries of land—probing into its essence and questioning the existence of a memory or connection between the land and its inhabitants.



2023, USA/Armenia, 14 min.

 Director: Margos Margossian

 An informant in the post-Soviet Republic of Armenia must decide if she’ll betray her ethnic identity by leaking highly classified information on the country’s decision to reopen its nuclear power plant following the collapse of the USSR.


Фото и видео
