

2024, Lebanon/Qatar/Denmark, 180 min.


Director: Farah Kassem


 After more than a decade, Farah returns home to Tripoli, Lebanon, to care for her aging widowed father, Mustapha only to find her city in crisis. Their generational differences often lead to clashing perspectives on the country’s political instability, making it difficult to communicate with each other. But within this lack of understanding there’s humor and a will to understand. There’s a secret refuge: Mustapha’s weekly all-male poetry club, where a small group of stubborn yet lovable men gather to share poems in classical Arabic over sweets and with an agreement to disagree about everything. In order to connect with her father, Farah decides to join the club and address Mustapha in verses to connect with the poet in him. As Mustapha’s health deteriorates and the October 2019 revolution erupts nationwide, poetry becomes their chance for one last conversation.


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