
The Improvisers is an unscripted comedy show created on site.

“Improvisers” is a unique comedy show without a script or preparation, which is created before your eyes and in a single copy. The constant actors - Arseny Popov, Dmitry Pozov, Sergey Matvienko and Anton Shastun - try on absurd and surprising images, and find themselves in the most unexpected situations!Each concert of the “Improvisers” show is unique, also thanks to the audience, because they are the ones who give the actors themes and characters for the improvisations that will be played out on stage. Come and become not just a spectator, but also the author of the script for a unique show!

The Improvisers show has a strict age limit of 18+.

Persons under 18 years of age will not be allowed to attend the concert, even if accompanied by their parents or their legal representatives.

Photo and video
